Davison & Richfield Fire Dept



The Davison – Richfield Fire Authority is the governing body of the Davison – Richfield Fire Department, providing oversight and fiduciary support. The Fire Authority Board consists of two elected or appointed officials from each participating municipality, the City of Davison, the Township of Davison and the Township of Richfield. The seventh member of the Fire Authority is a non – elected at large position that is appointed every two years by the municipal governing bodies, on rotating two – year term. The Fire Authority meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of each month.


Jim Slezak, Davison Township Supervisor

Vice Chairperson
Andrea Schroeder, Davison City Manager

Secretary / Treasurer
Joseph M. Madore, Richfield Township Supervisor

Tim Green, Davison Township Treasurer
Ron Emery, Davison City Council
Teri Webber, Richfield Township Clerk
Brian Arnes, Richfield Township Member at large